St Mary Parish of Milford, CT

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Interesting Job Search Article - May Meeting Information


There was an excellent article in the CT Post on Sunday titled "Relearning how to find a job in the digital age." 

If you did not see it or have a change to read it, here is the link...

Link to CT Post Article - Relearning to how to find a job in the digital age

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday May 20 at 7:30 pm. Our guest speaker will be Kathlene Gerrity who owned her own recruiting firm and will talk about the job search from the recruiters perspective.

At 6 pm, I'll lead a 30 minute work shop on how to set-up a Referral system for a job search. It will be along the lines of the workshop I gave in March.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

April Meeting Information


Our next meeting is Tuesday April 15 at 7:30 in the St Mary Milford Rectory basement meeting room. 

The regular meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Al Tonry will be our guest speaker and his topic is commission based jobs. Al has over two decades of experience in hiring, training and working with people in commission based jobs. 

Commission based jobs aren't always the ideal alternative but can sometimes be the only real opportunity. Al will give us his insights!

At 7 p.m. for you early birds, I will be giving a short workshop on relational side of the job search, much like I did in February if you attended that meeting.

Remember if you are having a bad day on the job search, do one thing that will move you forward and never stop trying...