St Mary Parish of Milford, CT

Saturday, September 20, 2014

St Mary Job Search Support Group News!


Thanks to everyone who attended our September meeting. If you were there you found yourself with a lot of individual attention from the group. It was a very interactive meeting that brought a lot of value to the people who attended.

Many thanks to Linda Cella for leading the meeting. Linda did a great job!

My latest informal count is that ten people who have come to our meetings have landed. We can't take credit for them finding a job but I would like to think that we helped them on their journey to their job.

Our next meeting will Tuesday October 21 at 7pm in St Mary Church Meeting room in the Rectory basement.

I will be giving a workshop on "Kick Starting Your Network." 

The job search gurus tell us that our next job won't come from someone you know but from someone you know's network. How do get there from here?

It is not enough to just tell people you know that you are out of work and looking or that you are just plain looking for your next job whether you are working or not. 

As a job seeker you need to nurture the relationships of those in your network, especially those that are connectors and influencers but you also have to build awareness with them. You will find out ways to do those things at the next meeting.

If you are on the job hunt, I hope you have a great week! We strongly urge all job seekers to check out Connecticut Works and take advantage of their great programs. I also would urge you to take advantage of other job support groups.

Happy Hunting!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Moving to Fall


I thought we had a good, interactive meeting in August. In fact it went so well that Linda and Kathy did not make it thought their program. They will finish at our September meeting. 

Please note for the 2014-2015 Job Search Year we will start meetings at 7pm. We will continue to have speakers when I can find them. 

But the real focus will be peer to peer information and experiential conversations. Except for Xavier Gordon't visit in March, our best meetings were ones where there was interaction between the people attending. 

More information to follow.
