St Mary Parish of Milford, CT

Monday, March 23, 2015

Thanks to Mark Troncone - Last Meeting Observations...

Many thanks to all of you who attended the Job Search support Group with our guest Mark Troncone last week. 

Mark did a tremendous job in his presentation.

What was impressive to me and I think the real value of his presentation is that he took the mystery out of the job search process. From interview preparation to the most efficient ways to network, Mark covered a lot of bases and advice that should help all who attended.

Mark's presentation also validated many of the job search principles that the St Mary Job Search Support team teaches and preaches about interviewing and networking.

The one recurring theme that, in my mind wove Mark's presentation together is that you have to have skin in the game to have success in the job search. The more passive one is in the search, the longer it is going to take to find one's next position.

Mark talked about creating GodFathers who will be on the lookout for you. I would take it one step further and add that one create an inner circle of trusted team GodFathers. TOMA, or Top Of Mind Awareness is critically important in networking.

How sad it would be a friend or acquaintance of yours was in a conversation with some people. One of those people said his/her firm was looking for someone that is you -you are the perfect fit...and your friend or acquaintance forgot all about you and never said anything to the person in the conversation about you or told you about the potential opportunity. That is why you need Mark's GodFathers, an active inner circle of them that have you in their top of mind awareness.

Special thanks to Linda for reaching out and bringing Mark to our meeting. Also to Dan Lenhart for all of his hard work in publicizing the meeting and helping us to get a good crowd to attend!

Thanks for visiting,