St Mary Parish of Milford, CT

Monday, October 31, 2016

Update About Our Group!


It's been awhile since I wrote a post to this blog. 

So to kick start the blog, I thought I would write up a vignette about our group...


St Mary Job Search Support Group

We are a peer to peer job search networking group.

The format for our meetings is in three segments.
  • ·         A moderator, sometimes a guest speaker, does a presentation or leads a discussion on a relevant job search topic.

  • ·         Introductions. Each person introduces themselves and tells the group what they are looking for in their next position.

  • ·         Networking including all attendees getting brainstormed advice from that night’s group.

We meet the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the St Mary Convent Meeting Room. Our meetings are open to anyone.

The St Mary Job Search Support Group is beginning its 4th year and over 30 people who have attended our meetings have landed.

If you are searching for a job, we hope that you will drop by one of our meetings! We look forward to meeting you!

St Mary Job Search Support is run by a three-person team.

Dan Lenhart is the Chair of the St Mary Job Search Support Group. Dan has over 30 years experience as a Human Resource professional and brings a wealth knowledge about the job search from both the job seeker’s point view and that of the hiring manager.

Linda Cella  is our interviewing expert. When discussing interviews, Linda goes into great detail that many often miss in interviews and offers valuable advice on both face to face interviews and phone screens.

Andy Ancel is the networking expert. Andy worked for where he learned the “Refer way” of networking and nurturing relationships from one of the best entrepreneurs in the country. Andy has presented his networking presentation at St Mary Job Search Support and also at Monday’s@7 in Westport.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Mark Toncone - Job Search Guru- to Speak at our Next Meeting

This coming Tuesday, 4/19 Mark Troncone, Super Job Search Guru will be the guest speaker at the  St Mary Church in Milford, CT.

About Mark Troncone 

Mark Troncone is an amazing speaker and presenter. 

A few years ago, he found himself out of work and basically stipped the job search process to its lowest common denominators, developed a map to navigate the process and not only found his next job, but decided to share what he found with others looking for work.

From Mark's Bio on LinkedIn...

Employment Transition Mentor Speaker

Dedicated volunteer focused on helping transition groups or individuals to learn the skills and techniques necessary to re-enter the job market. I am available for speaking engagements and one on one consulting (by appointment) - see list and Slide Share below.

About our Job Search Group

Although our meetings are in the church, one does not have to be a parishioner, Catholic or any faith whatsoever to attend. Father Donahue, Linda Cella, Dan Lenhart and I set up the group 2.5 years ago as a community service open to anyone who feels they might benefit from our peer to peer job search group.

We are a peer to peer support group that focuses on:
  •     Job Hunting Strategies
  •     Effective Networking
  •     Interviewing Strategies
  •     Story Boarding for Interviews
  •     Feedback on Resumes and Cover Letters

     We also suggest resources in the form of Websites and Other Groups to assist in the Job Search.

If you know anyone that might benefit from our meetings, please let them know about our group! We meet the third Tuesday of every month in the Rectory Basement Meeting Room at 7:00 p.m.

Thank You!
