St Mary Parish of Milford, CT

Monday, September 23, 2013

Are You LinkedIn - Part ll


So you now have a LinkedIn account. You've created your LinkedIn Profile - essentially, your online resume and website. You've have linked in with some contacts. Now what?
Adding to your network
First you can add to your network. Here is one way to do it. 

In your account looking at the menu above your picture click on "Profile". When the profile screen comes up look to the right of your picture. You will see some thumbnail pictures to the right. The title above them is "People You May Know." 

Click "People You May Know" as it is a link besides being a header. A two-column page with a number of people on it will come up on the screen. These are your contacts, contacts. Scroll down and connect with those people you know.

Also make a list of the people you see that you might like to meet. Under each person displayed is a link called "Shared Connections." Click on "Shared Connections and you will find out who you and the person you are checking out have in common. The person(s) you have in common would be the person to make the introduction.
Ask for Introductions
Second, go to the LinkedIn page of each of your connections and look at their all of their connections. Make a list of anyone that you might like to meet and ask your connection to introduce you.
I suggest you seek out people you've worked with in the past and ask them to write you a recommendation. It is helpful to have some recommendations to add to your profile. 

Recommendations can be quid-pro-quo. Tell your former co-worker, boss, customer, vendor or whoever, that you will write a recommendation for them, if they will write one for you.
If you find that you want to generate some activity on your LinkedIn account, try this. 

Go to the page of one of your contacts. Above that person's picture is a text box and on the bottom of it, there are two buttons, "Endorse" and "Skip."

Click the "Endorse" button. When you do another box will appear in the same spot titled "What skills or expertise do your other connections have?" Go through them if you can endorse your contacts for skills endorse them. 

If you reach a point where you can't really endorse any of the four persons displayed, then click "See More" on the bottom right of the box and a new set of people and skills to endorse will appear.

I've found that when I endorse others, others tend to endorse me. Besides the benefit of being endorsed, it can also lead to conversation. Any job search oriented activity in a job search is good activity and using the endorsement function in LinkedIn is good way to generate some activity!

Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thanks to those who attended our first Meeting!


Thanks to all who attended our first meeting. I hope you found value in the meeting. 

I liked and was encouraged by the networking interaction that I saw after the meeting. 

The two goals of every meeting is that you'll pick up some valuable job search tips and can share ideas and thoughts about your job search with others. 

With one meeting in the rear view mirror, we move forward. We have a guest speaker for next month. He is Jim Hedges one of the directors of the New Canaan Career Transition Support Group. I think Jim will have a lot of valuable advice for us. I hope you'll plan to attend the next meeting!

More to follow...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Are you LinkedIn? Part 1


A few years ago, I was reading an article about job hunting. It said the first thing a job hunter should do is to get a LinkedIn account and set-up a profile. 

At the time I didn't know what LinkedIn was all about. I do now. It is about networking. I've read that 80% of a job search should concentrate on working your network.

A good friend of mine who is heavily involved in helping people with job searches told me that your LinkedIn page is your job hunting website. 

The first step is to create your profile. Creating your profile is obviously important because people need to know who you are, what you do and what you want to do.

Then start linking in with almost anyone you know. Family, acquaintances, co-workers, former co-workers, friends of friends, are all good contacts. 

I'll discuss more in the next post. Stay tuned.

If you are not already on LinkedIn, please consider it.

Here is the link:  Click to go to LinkedIn

Thanks for visiting,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The First Meeting of the St Mary Job Search Support Group
-->At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday September 17, 2013
-->In the Meeting Room in the Rectory Basement
-->Topic of the Night: Networking for Results 

Father Donahue addressed the issue of unemployment and under employment in his Message to St Mary Parish this past weekend. 

In the message he talks about the formation of our job support group and his hope that it will provide a viable venue for support and networking. I am confident that this ministry will bring value to all that participate.

Father's message is below.

Dear Friends:

This Monday we mark the annual  celebration of Labor Day, which has come to be  associated with the end of the summer, the  beginning of school, and the onset of the regular pace of life with the fall season. Labor Day can be traced in its current form to 1894  when President Grover Cleveland signed legislation establishing it  as a federal holiday. Other societies around the world observe a  day of celebration for workers usually on May 1, a day which is  popularly known as “May Day.” In the Church May 1 is celebrated  as the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. In the United States,  however, the date for Labor Day was set as the first Monday in  September owing to the great emphasis that Communist countries  placed on a festive observance of May Day.

These are difficult times for laborers, and for business in  general. The national economy has been stagnant, essentially flat,  for the past several years and recovery has been slow. The  unemployment rate hovers around 7.5% and many claim that it is,  in fact, much higher since the government does not take into  account the numbers of those who have stopped looking for work  when it compiles statistics for purposes of computing the  unemployment rate.

Work is essential to human life and to human progress, as  Blessed John Paul II noted in his encyclical Laborem Exercens.  Work is not optional, but critical. More than that, human labor is, v on a spiritual level, a direct and concrete participation in the  ongoing work of God who continually is busy with the work of  creation.

Here at St. Mary’s, as elsewhere, there are, to be sure, a  significant number of parishioners who are either unemployed or  underemployed. Such a situation can be stressful as bills pile up  and financial pressures increase. The sense of idleness and  incompleteness can be devastating. With that in mind, we are in  the process of establishing a support group for the unemployed and  underemployed. Andrew Ancel will coordinate and lead this  group. It will serve as an opportunity, once a month to start, for  those out of work or working only part-time to come together for  mutual support and networking. It can be helpful to know that you  parishes in the Archdiocese have had such support groups and they  have proven to be very beneficial. Indeed, one parish, St. Ann in  Avon, has had such a group for almost twenty years. Watch the  bulletin for details on the organizational and informational  meeting. I fully support the establishment of this support group  and it is my hope that it will prove to be helpful in at least several  ways. I thank Andy Ancel for his willingness to serve as first  coordinator and convener of this group.

A reminder: Mass for Labor Day, Monday, September 2,  will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. There will be no 7:00 AM Mass on  that day.
Rev. Aidan N. Donahue
Just a reminder that you can see prior posts by scrolling down.
Check back again soon for updates!

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