St Mary Parish of Milford, CT

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tonight's Meeting CANCELLED!


Our meeting tonight (Tuesday 18 February) is cancelled. 

As a general rule, when St Mary School is closed, which it is today, meetings in the parish are canceled. I don't think it is a good idea to meet on a day like today anyway. So mother nature has scored her hat trick as they say in hockey, this being the third straight meeting that has been cancelled due to weather. 

I will see if I can find the space and time for a make-up meeting I will give a workshop on referrals. Most people can get referrals from people they know, the challenge is to get a sustained flow of referrals over time long after you've exhausted your supply of friends, family and acquaintances.

Xavier Gordon has put us on his calendar for our March 18 meeting and Al Tonry who was suppose to speak tonight has put us on his calendar for our April 15 meeting. Get your taxes in the mail before our meeting in April. :)

Take care,

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sat Feb 8 Update


We have a guest speaker for our next meeting on Feb18!

A few months ago I was chatting with a former boss (when I sold insurance for the Knights of Columbus) after church and he offered to speak to our group about commission oriented jobs that we are sometimes tempted to take when we are in job search mode. What can you expect and how do you evaluate a commission job that might become an option for you? 

When Al finished his career with the New York City Police Department, he carved out a very nice two or three decade second career with the Knights of Columbus insurance program which is commission based. Al is also a delightful story teller. 
I've said a couple of prayers and have my fingers crossed that Xavier Gordon will be able to be our guest at our March meeting on Mar 18. He has to give a workshop in Stamford on our meeting night and cannot make our meeting. If you've ever been to one of Xavier's workshops or have had the opportunity to talk to him, you know what a high energy person he is that really cares about those that works with in his workshops. He's a great motivator!
I received another very nice email about the value of the things we talked about at our "make-up" meeting this past Tuesday. Thank you for the feedback. 

My apologies to Dan for calling my good friend Dan, Dennis. I can't believe I did that...actually I can - it is not beyond me to insert foot into mouth! Sorry Dan. There are I believe two Dennis's in the group so I'm easily confused.

I would also like to congratulate Linda Cella on her new job! I also want to thank Linda for continuing to be part of our group even though she accomplished her mission in getting her job! We've made to the point where I do need some help and Linda and Dan Lenhart have been very supportive.

Hopefully mother nature will cut us another break (like this past Tues) for our next meeting a week from Tuesday on the 18th. Three days, Mon, Tues and Wed of this week, almost 2' of snow and mom nature cut us a break by holding back the snow on Tuesday. I for one am very grateful!  

I'm going to post meetings and other tidbits on my twitter account if you are into twitter. My twitter handle is "AAofMFD" if you into that social media vehicle. 

Thanks for visiting,

Friday, February 7, 2014

Job Search Group Update


First, I apologize for not putting in more articles. I will try to be better about that!
Second, Thanks to all who showed up for our "make-up" meeting on Tuesday. I've gotten good feedback on that meeting. 

I went over sales tips that can be useful in your job search. I also got a bit into starting a referral program. I think I want to expand on the Referral Program and have either a regular meeting or workshop meeting that will go over how to set-up a referral program. Now that I work for a a referral marketing company, I can help our attendees set-up a robust referral program. 
Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 18. Unfortunately Xavier Gordon is not available that night. Xavier and I are talking about him being our guest speaker in March. 

I have another person that I'm talking too about being our guest for our Feb 18 meeting. If he can't make it then I will start on my referral program workshop.

Thanks for visiting,