St Mary Parish of Milford, CT

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Going about Referrals the Best Way


I often talk to job seekers who tell me some of their experiences in networking.

Typical is a person I will call George. George was networked to me via friends of mine. 

My first friend introduced George to my second friend because the first friend thought the second one might know of a job for George. The second friend did not know of any jobs but knew I help run a job search support group and suggested that we connect.

This scenario happens all of the time. There is nothing wrong with it. In a job search you need to get your name out and get exposed to as many people as possible. 

But here's the rub.  It is not the most effective way to network. Most people will try and help someone who is referred to them by someone they trust. However, the issue with the person being referred through trusted friends or relative (hereafter the introducee), is that there is no trust between that person and the person they've been referred too (hereafter the introduced- the person who introduces the two of them is the introducer). 

Since the introduced person may not know the introducee well, if at all, the introduced probably isn't going to put his or her reputation on the line by making a referral of substance for someone they just met. Would you? If they give a referral at all, it is usually something safe and vague along the lines of ' Hey you should talk to Bob or Shirley over at Acme Personnel Partners.' Big whoop. The introducee could make that call his or herself.

If I am the introduced, I would want to know more about the introducee before I make referrals for the introducee and really try to help that person.

So what then needs to happen for the introduced to help the introducee

The introducee needs to create a relationship with the introduced. That is really the only way that introducee can build the trust necessary to ask for referrals for both more networking contacts and potential jobs should the introduced run across an opportunity that is a good fit for the introducee.

There are effective ways to grow professional relationships. You need to strike a balance between contacting the person you want to build the relationship with too much and too little. Too much contact and you become a pest. Too little contact and the the person you want to build the relationship with forgets about you. 

Also coming into play is the law of reciprocity. As you know, in life, you often have to give to receive. 

In my next post I will outline ways to develop a professional relationship to get referrals that will stay be sustained through time.  

Thanks for Visiting,

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